Find Your Right Influencers

Simply describe your needs and receive expert analysis with a curated list of micro influencers and nano influencers tailored to your business

Latest Briefs with Analysis and Curated Micro & Nano Influencers

Find YouTube Influencers
Find YouTube Influencers
Find YouTube Influencers
Find YouTube Influencers
Join 2000+ Small Business Owners, Solo Entrepreneurs, and Marketing Experts
Alice Johnson
Alice Johnson
The influencer analyze & search tool helped us find the perfect micro-influencers for our new skincare line. Our campaign engagement skyrocketed!
James Moore
James Moore
Digital Marketing Specialist
The influencer analyze & search tool made our influencer marketing strategy more effective. Our recent campaign reached a much wider audience.
Olivia Brown
Olivia Brown
The influencer search tool is a game-changer! We connected with influencers who perfectly fit our brand's style and ethos.
David Smith
David Smith
This tool made it so easy to identify influencers who resonated with our brand. We've seen a significant increase in our social media following.
John Davis
John Davis
Solo Entrepreneur
As a solo entrepreneur, finding the right influencers was challenging until I used this tool. It matched me with influencers who truly understood my product.
Sophia Wilson
Sophia Wilson
We found amazing nano-influencers who brought authentic engagement to our brand. Our sales have increased thanks to their influence.
Emma Williams
Emma Williams
Marketing Director
The detailed analysis and curated influencer list saved us so much time and effort. Our latest campaign was a huge success.
Michael Miller
Michael Miller
Marketing Consultant
This tool provided us with a curated list of influencers who significantly boosted our online presence. Highly recommend it!
Liam Guan
Liam Guan
Creative Director
MyInfluencers helped us find the right micro influencers to promote our indie film. The engagement and buzz created were phenomenal!

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything About Finding The Right Influencers

Why should I use MyInfluencer?

Getting into influencer marketing can be daunting with many terms and stats to navigate. Hiring a professional or using platforms designed for giant brands can be expensive and not suitable for smaller businesses. MyInfluencer uses proven knowledge and practices to analyze the market and find the latest trends. We provide the most up-to-date data to help you make informed decisions without breaking the bank.

How does MyInfluencer analyze the brief?

MyInfluencer combines knowledge from marketing experts and consulting firms with AI technology and real-time data. This ensures that your brief is analyzed accurately, providing you with a tailored influencer list that matches your specific needs and goals.

How does MyInfluencer evaluate if influencers are a good fit for my business?

MyInfluencer evaluates matchiness by analyzing influencer profiles, the content they post, your business needs, and potential angles. You will receive scores for easier decision-making, along with evaluation reasoning for reference. This ensures that the influencers you choose align well with your brand and campaign goals.

Why micro influencers and nano influencers?

Micro influencers and nano influencers create natural and organic content, often leading to higher engagement rates. Mega influencers are usually more expensive and require a proper marketing strategy and sufficient brand awareness to justify the investment. Micro and nano influencers are more accessible and can provide a more authentic connection with your audience.

How to perform outreach to influencers?

Use email and direct messages to perform outreach. Personalized communication ensures better engagement. Personalization is important not only in the outreach phase but also in the content production process. MyInfluencer does not provide automation, as personalized communication is best for the current scale of operations.

Can I find influencers for specific niches or industries?

Yes, MyInfluencer is highly tailored and customized, allowing you to find micro influencers and nano influencers for even the most specific niches or industries. Unlike standard tools that confine you to broad categories, MyInfluencer provides a bespoke approach to match influencers with your unique business needs. Whether you're in beauty, fashion, fitness, technology, or a more niche industry, our tool will help you find influencers who truly resonate with your target audience and campaign goals.

How do I find YouTube influencers specifically versus Instagram & TikTok influencers?

You can specify the platform when searching for influencers. The nature of content varies across platforms: YouTube is ideal for long-form, educational videos that require focused viewing. Target YouTube influencers if your goal is to share in-depth, informative content. Conversely, TikTok and Instagram are better suited for quick, engaging, and instantly consumable content that can drive traffic to your site. Tailor your content format and influencer targets to leverage the unique strengths of each platform effectively.

How do I change my brief?

Simply rewrite your brief and ask MyInfluencer to analyze and search again. You can provide as much detail as possible or focus on different promotion ideas to get a more focused analysis and updated influencer list.

How frequently is the influencer data updated?

Our influencer data is updated in real-time, ensuring that you always have access to the latest information. This helps you stay ahead of trends and make informed decisions based on current data.

How long will it take to learn to use MyInfluencer?

You won’t need to spend time learning complex metrics or deciphering irrelevant data. With MyInfluencer, your understanding of your business and the content you want to produce is all you need. The tool is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to get started instantly. Simply input your brief, and MyInfluencer will handle the rest, providing actionable insights and a curated list of influencers tailored to your needs.

What is the response time of MyInfluencer?

You receive preliminary analysis almost instantly, and full curated influencer list in minutes.

Can I use the analysis results for my commercial use and brand pictures in my work?

All analytics results provided by MyInfluencers can be used for your personal or commercial purposes. However, please note that influencers and social media platforms retain ownership of their respective content and profiles.

What if I need help finding more influencers?

If you need assistance in finding YouTube influencers or influencers on other platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, for specific requirements and on a larger scale, please contact us at

Is MyInfluencer free?

Yes, MyInfluencer is free to use.