
30 years or older Male influencers with a following of similar demographic that are not fitness professionals in UK

Male influencers aged 30+ in the UK who focus on topics other than fitness, such as lifestyle, technology, travel, or business.

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Types of Influencers:

  1. Lifestyle Influencers: These influencers focus on various aspects of daily life, including fashion, grooming, and travel. They can effectively reach the target demographic by showcasing how the product fits into their sophisticated lifestyle.
  2. Tech Influencers: Given the interest in technology among the target demographic, tech influencers can highlight the practical and innovative aspects of the product.
  3. Fashion Influencers: Influencers who focus on men's fashion can help position the product as a must-have for the stylish, modern man.

Enriched Requirements:

  • Male influencers aged 30 or older
  • Based in the UK
  • Not fitness professionals
  • Have a following of similar demographic (men aged 30+)

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