
"japan travel for English speaking people that love Japan and want to travel there."

Japan travel for English speakers

Research Insight & Analysis


The product or service being promoted is travel to Japan for English-speaking individuals who have a passion for Japan and wish to visit the country. This can be positioned as a specialized travel service that caters to the unique needs and interests of English-speaking Japan enthusiasts. The brand can emphasize its expertise in providing authentic Japanese experiences, cultural insights, and language support to make the travel experience seamless and enriching.

Target Customers

The ideal customer profile includes:

  • English-speaking individuals: Primarily from countries where English is the primary language, such as the United States, Canada, Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Japan enthusiasts: People who have a strong interest in Japanese culture, history, food, anime, and other aspects of Japan.
  • Travelers: Individuals who are looking for unique travel experiences and are willing to explore new destinations.
  • Age group: Typically between 18-45 years old, including solo travelers, couples, and small groups of friends.

Illustrative examples:

  • A 25-year-old anime fan from the United States who dreams of visiting Japan to attend anime conventions and visit famous anime locations.
  • A 35-year-old professional from the UK who is fascinated by Japanese history and wants to explore historical sites and museums in Japan.
  • A 28-year-old foodie from Australia who is eager to experience authentic Japanese cuisine and take cooking classes in Japan.

Potential Influencer Matches

  • Travel Bloggers/Vloggers: Influencers who specialize in travel content and have a significant following among English-speaking audiences. They can create detailed travel guides, vlogs, and itineraries showcasing the best of Japan.
  • Cultural Enthusiasts: Influencers who focus on Japanese culture, including traditional arts, history, and modern pop culture. They can provide in-depth insights and recommendations for cultural experiences in Japan.
  • Food Influencers: Influencers who are passionate about food and have a strong following among foodies. They can highlight Japan's culinary delights, from street food to fine dining.
  • Anime and Pop Culture Influencers: Influencers who are well-known in the anime and pop culture community. They can attract fans who are interested in visiting Japan for anime-related events and locations.

Content Creation Ideas

  • Travel Guides: Comprehensive guides covering different regions of Japan, including must-visit attractions, hidden gems, and travel tips.
  • Cultural Experiences: Content showcasing traditional Japanese experiences such as tea ceremonies, kimono dressing, and calligraphy classes.
  • Food Adventures: Videos and blogs featuring food tours, restaurant reviews, and cooking classes in Japan.
  • Anime and Pop Culture Tours: Guides and vlogs highlighting famous anime locations, conventions, and pop culture events in Japan.
  • Language Tips: Content providing basic Japanese language tips and phrases to help travelers navigate their trip more easily.
  • Interactive Q&A Sessions: Live sessions where influencers answer questions from their followers about traveling to Japan, sharing personal experiences and recommendations.

By collaborating with these types of influencers and creating engaging content, the brand can effectively reach and attract its target audience of English-speaking Japan enthusiasts.

Influencer Match Preview

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Influencer Matching Criteria

Extracted from Campaign Brief & Market Analysis

Target Market
Japan travel for English speakers
Campaign Objectives
Looking for travel influencers who can promote Japan to English-speaking audiences. Ideal influencers are travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Content should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing, showcasing Japan's beauty, culture, and unique experiences.
Influencer Persona
Travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
Content Themes
#JapanTravel #VisitJapan #JapanLovers
Abroad in Japan
Abroad in Japan
British Guy making videos in Japan. Officially better than Simply Red. MERCHANDISE: PATREON: British guy living in Japan. As seen on TV! BBC, The Guardian, Reddit, Daily Mail, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, Daily Telegraph, The Independent, London Metro, RocketNews24 Japan Business Enquiries:
Mega Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
3 weeks ago
95%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for travel influencers who can promote Japan to English-speaking audiences. Ideal influencers are travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Content should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing, showcasing Japan's beauty, culture, and unique experiences."
Abroad in Japan has a strong focus on Japan and a large following, making it a great fit for promoting Japanese culture to English-speaking audiences. His content style is engaging and humorous, which aligns well with the brand's desire for visually appealing and informative content. Overall, he is an excellent match for the campaign.
Solo Travel Japan
Solo Travel Japan
Solo Travel Japan is all about traveling in Japan. I would like to share unique experiences such as traveling by overnight capsule hotel ferry, First Class overnight ferry, etc. I don’t speak in my videos. I’ll be happy if you feel like you’re the one who’s traveling. It’s currently a difficult time for travel lovers, but I believe you will have a great time in Japan when everything gets back normal. Until then, please enjoy my videos! Thanks for watching! STJ
Macro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
4 days ago
90%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for travel influencers who can promote Japan to English-speaking audiences. Ideal influencers are travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Content should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing, showcasing Japan's beauty, culture, and unique experiences."
Solo Travel Japan specifically focuses on unique travel experiences in Japan, which aligns perfectly with the brand's target audience and content ideas. Their content style is immersive and engaging, making them a strong candidate for promoting Japan to English-speaking travelers. Overall, they are an excellent fit for the campaign.
Chris To Japan
Chris To Japan
2022年移居日本,希望可以藉此頻道分享在日本生活點滴及旅遊資料。 以前喺香港打工,一有機位便到日本旅遊。旅遊時不外乎都係影相,有一次旅行突然諗次次影相好悶,到時睇返張相又唔識郁,就落手開始拍片。 當時拍嘅片只係記錄方式去拍低,即係一首歌嘅時間記錄晒成個旅程嘅畫面。開始過之後就每次旅行都有拍片,仲越買越多器材。 移居日本後就可以隨時拍片,故此開設頻道繼續拍片,記錄生活。 聯絡 —————————————————————————— 你哋嘅訂閱、分享及讚好對創作者嚟講係一個好大嘅支持動力🥺。 請大家多多支持🙏🏻。
Micro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
1 day ago
85%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for travel influencers who can promote Japan to English-speaking audiences. Ideal influencers are travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Content should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing, showcasing Japan's beauty, culture, and unique experiences."
Chris To Japan的內容專注於在日本的生活和旅遊,符合品牌的需求。他的受眾對日本文化和旅遊有興趣,能夠創造與品牌的合作內容,因此是一個合適的選擇。
Explore Japan
Explore Japan
► Welcome to EXPLORE JAPAN Channel ► This channel will introduce Japanese cityscape and scenery. ► Please enjoy beautiful scenery of Japan with 4K video. ► If you like, please subscribe to my channel and hit the LIKE button. ► Copyright©EXPLORE JAPAN. All Rights Reserved. ⋆Reupload in whole or in part of my videos is prohibited. Thank you !
Micro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
9999 days ago
80%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for travel influencers who can promote Japan to English-speaking audiences. Ideal influencers are travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Content should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing, showcasing Japan's beauty, culture, and unique experiences."
Explore Japan的內容專注於日本的城市景觀和風景,符合品牌的需求。他的受眾對日本文化和旅遊有興趣,能夠創造與品牌的合作內容,因此是一個合適的選擇。
Experience JAPAN
Experience JAPAN
Hello. Click on the community tab and let's discuss my journey. I would like to share experiences such as Japanese rides and food etc. Thank you!! As an Amazon associate, Experience JAPAN receives income from qualified sales.
Macro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
9999 days ago
80%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for travel influencers who can promote Japan to English-speaking audiences. Ideal influencers are travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Content should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing, showcasing Japan's beauty, culture, and unique experiences."
Experience JAPAN的內容專注於日本的旅遊經歷,符合品牌的需求。他的受眾對日本文化和旅遊有興趣,能夠創造與品牌的合作內容,因此是一個合適的選擇。
歡迎來到G先生的日本旅居生活Vlog,已環遊近70個國家,目前居住在日本。會記錄我在不同國家的旅行/美食/人文相關的經歷與體驗。感謝訂閱,讓我們一起來探索未知的世界! 只在Youtube更新,其他平台均非本人,請勿搬運。 聯絡方式:
Macro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
9999 days ago
75%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for travel influencers who can promote Japan to English-speaking audiences. Ideal influencers are travel enthusiasts with a passion for Japanese culture, active on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Content should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing, showcasing Japan's beauty, culture, and unique experiences."