
"i have to promote my dairy company all over maharsatra for every age group"

Promoting dairy products in Maharashtra

Research Insight & Analysis

Product Positioning

La empresa de productos lácteos puede posicionarse como una marca que ofrece productos frescos, saludables y de alta calidad, adecuados para todas las edades. En un mercado como Maharashtra, donde la demanda de productos lácteos es alta, la marca puede destacar por su compromiso con la calidad y la frescura. Además, puede resaltar los beneficios nutricionales de sus productos, como el alto contenido de calcio y proteínas, que son esenciales para el crecimiento y la salud en general.

Target Customers

El perfil ideal de cliente incluiría:

  • Niños y adolescentes: Padres que buscan productos lácteos nutritivos para el crecimiento y desarrollo de sus hijos.
  • Adultos jóvenes: Personas que buscan opciones saludables y convenientes para su dieta diaria.
  • Adultos mayores: Personas que necesitan productos ricos en calcio y proteínas para mantener su salud ósea y muscular.

Ejemplos ilustrativos:

  • Una madre de familia en Pune que busca leche fresca y yogur para sus hijos.
  • profesional en Mumbai que prefiere productos lácteos como parte de su desayuno saludable.
  • Un adulto mayor en Nagpur que consume leche y queso para mantener su salud ósea.

Potential Influencer Matches

Influencers de Salud y Bienestar

Estos influencers pueden hablar sobre los beneficios nutricionales de los productos lácteos y cómo incorporarlos en una dieta equilibrada. Llegarán a adultos jóvenes y adultos mayores interesados en mantener un estilo de vida saludable.

Influencers de Cocina y Gastronomía

Pueden crear recetas utilizando productos lácteos, mostrando su versatilidad y sabor. Esto atraerá a familias y personas que disfrutan cocinar en casa.

Influencers de Familia y Crianza

Estos influencers pueden resaltar cómo los productos lácteos son esenciales para el crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños, atrayendo a padres y madres.

Influencers Locales de Maharashtra

Influencers que tienen una fuerte presencia en Maharashtra y pueden conectar con la audiencia local en su idioma y cultura.

Content Creation Ideas

General Ideas

  • Recetas Saludables: Videos y publicaciones de recetas fáciles y saludables utilizando productos lácteos.
  • Beneficios Nutricionales: Infografías y videos explicando los beneficios de consumir productos lácteos.

Creative Ideas

  • Desafíos de Cocina: Invitar a los seguidores a participar en desafíos de cocina utilizando productos lácteos y compartir sus creaciones.
  • Historias de Clientes: Testimonios de clientes satisfechos de diferentes edades y cómo los productos lácteos han beneficiado su salud.
  • Día en la Vida: Videos mostrando un día en la vida de una familia que consume productos lácteos, destacando su frescura y calidad.

Estas estrategias ayudarán a posicionar la marca de productos lácteos en Maharashtra y atraer a una amplia gama de clientes.

Influencer Match Preview

Sample profiles based on AI-analyzed criteria. Refine your search or unlock top 50 tailored matches with full research and analysis.

Influencer Matching Criteria

Extracted from Campaign Brief & Market Analysis

Target Market
Promoting dairy products in Maharashtra
Campaign Objectives
Looking for influencers from Maharashtra to promote a dairy company. Ideal influencers should be both male and female, covering all age groups, and active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Content should include recipes, health benefits, and lifestyle integration. Influencers should preferably speak Marathi.
Influencer Persona
Influencers from Maharashtra, both male and female, covering all age groups, active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, and preferably speaking Marathi.
Content Themes
#दुग्धउत्पादने #आरोग्यदायी #महाराष्ट्र
MadhurasRecipe Marathi
MadhurasRecipe Marathi
नमस्कार मित्रांनो, तुम्हा सर्वांचे या मधुराज रेसिपी मराठी चॅनेल मध्ये मनःपूर्वक स्वागत. या मराठी चॅनेल वर आपल्या सर्व पारंपरिक मराठी रेसिपी चा आस्वाद घेता येणार आहे. त्यामध्ये अगदी मोदक, वडा पाव. मिसळ पाव, कांदा पोहे, शिरा, दिवाळीचे सारे पदार्थ, फराळाचे पदार्थ, गणपती-गौरीचे पदार्थ आणि बरेच काही असणार आहे... आपल्या साऱ्यांचा सहभाग आणि पाठिंबा आम्हाला पुढे जाण्यास आणि प्रोत्साहन देण्यास खूप मदत करनार आहे.. तर मग कश्याची वाट पाहताय. या चॅनेल वर आपण Subscribe करा आणि नवीन नवीन रेसिपी चा आस्वाद घ्या. For Business and Promotion Inquiries - मधुराजरेसिपी चे मसाले ऑर्डर करण्यासाठी इथे क्लीक करा - मधुराजरेसिपी मसाले घरपोच मिळण्याकरता, तुमचे नाव आणि पत्ता ९१३६८२२२२४ नंबरवर व्हाट्सअँप करा. हा नंबर मधुराच्या नसून हा क्युकी डिजिटल मिडिया चा आहे नंबर आहे. मराठी पदार्थ जागतिक पातळीवर नेण्याच्या प्रामाणिक हेतूने २००९ साली सुरु केलेलं इंग्रजी भाषेतील मराठी पदार्थांचं पहिलं YouTube चॅनेल. २०१६ मध्ये मराठी भाषेतील मराठी पदार्थांचं पहिलं चॅनेल.
Mega Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
9 hours ago
85%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for influencers from Maharashtra to promote a dairy company. Ideal influencers should be both male and female, covering all age groups, and active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Content should include recipes, health benefits, and lifestyle integration. Influencers should preferably speak Marathi."
MadhurasRecipe Marathi focuses on Marathi recipes, which aligns well with the brand's goal of promoting dairy products through recipes and lifestyle integration. The channel has a significant following (7.67 million subscribers) and targets the Maharashtra audience, making it a strong candidate for the campaign. The content style and messaging are well-aligned with the brand's objectives.
Anukriti Cooking Recipes
Anukriti Cooking Recipes
Make your own Market Style Food at home. Be your own chef, treat yourself with best tasted food at home. I work hard to get you perfect secret recipes that taste better than what you enjoy outside. Nothing better than your own homemade food which you cook yourself at home made with love and affection. My YouTube Channel Anukriti Cooking Recipes is all about Authenic Indian Regional and Market Style Cooking, Halwai and Chef style cooking, that you can easily make at home, Share your feedback with us through comments and email me at for any help. You can share pics of your homemade food on my Instagram: @anukriticookingrecipesyoutube Stay happy Anukriti cooking recipes
Macro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
11 months ago
80%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for influencers from Maharashtra to promote a dairy company. Ideal influencers should be both male and female, covering all age groups, and active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Content should include recipes, health benefits, and lifestyle integration. Influencers should preferably speak Marathi."
Anukriti Cooking Recipes focuses on authentic Indian cooking, which aligns well with the brand's goal of promoting dairy products through recipes. The channel has a significant following (680,000 subscribers) and targets the audience interested in cooking, making it a strong candidate for the campaign. The content style and messaging are well-aligned with the brand's objectives.
AshtaDeep Creations
AshtaDeep Creations
नमस्कार मित्रानो मी दिपक मोहनराव पाटील AshtaDeep Creations, अष्टदीप क्रिएशन्स या आपल्या youtube चॅनेल वर आपले सर्वांचे स्वागत करतो. आपल्या चॅनेल चा उद्देश शेती, व्यवसाय, शेती संबंधित जोड़व्यवसाय याची माहिती आपल्या पर्यंत पोहचवणे आहे. जर आपला व्यवसाय असेल, किंव्हा आपल्या कामात काही नाविन्य असेल तर आपण ही आपल्या या चॅनेल वर सहभागी होऊ शकता. विविध प्रकारच्या वीडियो चा आनंद घेण्यासाठी आत्ताच आपला चॅनेल subscribe करा. धन्यवाद. अधिक माहितीसाठी. Whatsapp only 9420422027 Mail. id
Macro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
1 day ago
70%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for influencers from Maharashtra to promote a dairy company. Ideal influencers should be both male and female, covering all age groups, and active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Content should include recipes, health benefits, and lifestyle integration. Influencers should preferably speak Marathi."
AshtaDeep Creations focuses on agricultural and dairy-related content, which aligns well with the brand's campaign for promoting dairy products. The influencer's audience may be interested in recipes and health benefits of dairy, and the content style is suitable for lifestyle integration. This makes AshtaDeep Creations a good fit for the campaign.
Macro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
9999 days ago
70%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for influencers from Maharashtra to promote a dairy company. Ideal influencers should be both male and female, covering all age groups, and active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Content should include recipes, health benefits, and lifestyle integration. Influencers should preferably speak Marathi."
ASHA CHI RASOI focuses on Maharashtrian and Indian recipes, which aligns well with the brand's goal of promoting dairy products through recipes and lifestyle integration. The channel has a moderate following (238,000 subscribers) and targets the Maharashtra audience, making it a suitable candidate for the campaign. The content style and messaging are well-aligned with the brand's objectives.
Simrat Kathuria: The Diet Xperts
Simrat Kathuria: The Diet Xperts
The Diet Xperts is region's leading diet planning hub known for unconventional methodology backed by counseling and life style modification! Biography: The Diet Xperts is brainchild of Simrat Kathuria, a celebrated diet consultant in the region who has help transform thousands of individuals through array of diet and lifestyle management programs both in India and Overseas. The Diet Xperts Centers are personally monitored and mentored by Simrat, who is a strong believer of counseling based individually tailored course of consultation. The Times of India Group adorned her with Medical Pioneer Award in 2015. Awards: Medical Pioneers 2-15 - The Times of India Group Personal Information Diet Coach, Happy-Go-Lucky Person, Avid Reader and Mother of Two!
Macro Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
9999 days ago
65%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for influencers from Maharashtra to promote a dairy company. Ideal influencers should be both male and female, covering all age groups, and active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Content should include recipes, health benefits, and lifestyle integration. Influencers should preferably speak Marathi."
Simrat Kathuria: The Diet Xperts focuses on diet and health, which aligns well with the brand's need for health benefits and recipes related to dairy. However, the influencer is based in India but does not specifically mention Maharashtra or the Marathi language, which is a requirement. Therefore, while there is a good fit in content, the geographical and language aspects limit the score.
Gopal Tantradnyan Marathi Official
Gopal Tantradnyan Marathi Official
Nano Influencer
Engagement Rate
Last Post
9999 days ago
65%Match Score
Fit for"Looking for influencers from Maharashtra to promote a dairy company. Ideal influencers should be both male and female, covering all age groups, and active on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Content should include recipes, health benefits, and lifestyle integration. Influencers should preferably speak Marathi."
Gopal Tantradnyan Marathi Official is a nano influencer focused on dairy farming, which aligns well with the brand's campaign for promoting dairy products. The content style is suitable for lifestyle integration, and the audience may be interested in recipes and health benefits of dairy. This makes Gopal Tantradnyan a good fit for the campaign.