
Looking for influencers in the art world, especially in resin art that would be open to helping a beginner just trying to get started selling resin art by featuring our art

Art influencers focusing on resin art, supportive of beginners, active on social media platforms.


To effectively reach the target customers, consider collaborating with the following types of influencers:

  • Art Influencers: Artists who specialize in resin art or similar mediums. They can provide credibility and showcase the product through tutorials or live demonstrations.

  • DIY and Craft Influencers: Creators who focus on DIY projects and crafts. They can introduce the product to a broader audience interested in home projects and crafts.

  • Lifestyle Influencers: Influencers who incorporate art and creativity into their daily lives. They can help position the product as part of a trendy lifestyle choice.

  • Micro-Influencers: Individuals with a smaller but highly engaged following. They often have a more personal connection with their audience, making their endorsements feel more authentic.


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